second hand XCMG 54m Dg54c3 used Fire Fighting Truck for Sale
DG54C3 Aerial Platform Fire Truck is mounted on a Benz Actross4160 chassis. Monitors and fire pump used are imported from USA. An automatic B-class foam proportion mixing system is fitted. It has a tank that can hold 2.5 t of water and 0.5 t of foam and is equipped with a m.nitor on its top. Permissible lifting capacity of boom head ear is 2 t, for platform ear it is 0.4 t.
Advantages and highlights:
1.Offer Test Report of Professional Institute.
2.Details Of Maintenance And Repair Items Included.
3.Price Concessions.
4.Official Factory Sourcing.
5.Reconditioning Directly From XCMG.
6.Vehicle Condition of Perfection.
7.XCMG Official Endorsement.
8.SGS Provides The Third-Party Inspection Certificate.
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